
SuperMD Scripty Reference

Global Scope

$section : Section

A content section, used to define a portion of content that can be rendered individually by a template.

$block : Block

When placed at the beginning of a Markdown quote block, the quote block becomes a styleable container for elements.

SuperHTML will automatically give the class block when rendering Block directives.


>This is now a block.
>Lorem ipsum.

This is now a block. Lorem ipsum.

Differently from Sections, Blocks cannot be rendered independently and can be nested.


>This is now a block.
>>This is a nested block.
>back to the outer block

This is now a block.

This is a nested block.

back to the outer block

A block can optionally wrap a Markdown heading element. In this case
the generated Block will be rendered with two separate sub-containers: one for the block title and one for the body.


># [Warning]($block.attrs('warning'))
>This is now a block note.
>Lorem ipsum.


This is now a block note. Lorem ipsum.

$heading : Heading

Allows giving an id and attributes to a heading element.


# [Title]($heading.id('foo').attrs('bar', 'baz'))

This will be rendered by SuperHTML as:

<h1 id="foo" class="bar baz">Title</h1>

$image : Image

An embedded image.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the image.


[This is the caption]($image.asset('foo.jpg'))

$video : Video

An embedded video.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the video.


[This is the caption]($video.asset('foo.webm'))

$link : Link

A link.

$code : Code

An embedded piece of code.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the snippet.


[This is the caption]($code.asset('foo.zig'))


Each Directive has a different set of properties that can be set. Properties that can be set on all directives are listed here.


fn id (str) -> anydirective

Sets the unique identifier field of this directive.

fn attrs (str, [str...]) -> anydirective

Appends to the attributes field of this Directive.

fn title (str) -> anydirective

Title for this directive, mostly used as metadata that does not get rendered directly in the page.

fn data (str, str, [str...]) -> anydirective

Adds data key-value pairs of a Directive.

In SuperHTML data key-value pairs can be accessed programmatically in a template when rendering a section, while data will turn into data-foo attributes otherwise.


A content section, used to define a portion of content that can be rendered individually by a template.


When placed at the beginning of a Markdown quote block, the quote block becomes a styleable container for elements.

SuperHTML will automatically give the class block when rendering Block directives.


>This is now a block.
>Lorem ipsum.

This is now a block. Lorem ipsum.

Differently from Sections, Blocks cannot be rendered independently and can be nested.


>This is now a block.
>>This is a nested block.
>back to the outer block

This is now a block.

This is a nested block.

back to the outer block

A block can optionally wrap a Markdown heading element. In this case
the generated Block will be rendered with two separate sub-containers: one for the block title and one for the body.


># [Warning]($block.attrs('warning'))
>This is now a block note.
>Lorem ipsum.


This is now a block note. Lorem ipsum.


Allows giving an id and attributes to a heading element.


# [Title]($heading.id('foo').attrs('bar', 'baz'))

This will be rendered by SuperHTML as:

<h1 id="foo" class="bar baz">Title</h1>


An embedded image.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the image.


[This is the caption]($image.asset('foo.jpg'))


fn alt (str) -> Image

An alternative description for this image that accessibility tooling can access.

fn linked (bool) -> Image

Wraps the image in a link to itself.

fn url (str) -> Image

Sets the source location of this directive to an external URL.

fn asset (str) -> Image

Sets the source location of this directive to a page asset.

fn siteAsset (str) -> Image

Sets the source location of this directive to a site asset.

fn buildAsset (str) -> Image

Sets the source location of this directive to a build asset.


An embedded video.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the video.


[This is the caption]($video.asset('foo.webm'))


fn loop (bool) -> Video

If true, the video will seek back to the start upon reaching the end.

fn muted (bool) -> Video

If true, the video will be silenced at start.

fn autoplay (bool) -> Video

If true, the video will start playing automatically.

fn controls (bool) -> Video

If true, the video will display controls (e.g. play/pause, volume).

fn pip (bool) -> Video

If false, clients shouldn't try to display the video in a Picture-in-Picture context.

fn url (str) -> Video

Sets the source location of this directive to an external URL.

fn asset (str) -> Video

Sets the source location of this directive to a page asset.

fn siteAsset (str) -> Video

Sets the source location of this directive to a site asset.

fn buildAsset (str) -> Video

Sets the source location of this directive to a build asset.


An embedded piece of code.

Any text placed between [] will be used as a caption for the snippet.


[This is the caption]($code.asset('foo.zig'))


fn asset (str) -> Code

Sets the source location of this directive to a page asset.

fn siteAsset (str) -> Code

Sets the source location of this directive to a site asset.

fn buildAsset (str) -> Code

Sets the source location of this directive to a build asset.

fn language (str) -> Code

Sets the language of this code snippet, which is also used for syntax highlighting.