Helix Tooling Setup
1. Clone all three repositories
While it is possible to depend directly on remote repositories, cloning locally helps both with the initial setup, and also helps you stay up to date with the latest changes made to the tooling for each language.
git clone https://github.com/kristoff-it/ziggy
git clone https://github.com/kristoff-it/supermd
git clone https://github.com/kristoff-it/superhtml
If and when Helix will have builtin support for Zine file formats none of these steps will be necessary anymore.
2. Link all queries
In your Helix runtime directory, create a symbolic link to all the Tree Sitter queries from our parsers.
From the directory where you cloned all repos, run the following commands after replacing HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH
ln -s ziggy/tree-sitter-ziggy/queries HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/ziggy
ln -s ziggy/tree-sitter-ziggy-schema/queries HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/ziggy_schema
ln -s supermd/editors/helix/queries/supermd HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/supermd
ln -s supermd/editors/helix/queries/supermd_inline HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/supermd_inline
ln -s superhtml/tree-sitter-superhtml/queries HELIX_RUNTIME_PATH/queries/superhtml
2. Add all languages to your language config
In your Helix config directory (usually ~/.config/helix/
) create languages.toml
and copy the following lines, making sure to replace PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES
# Ziggy
command = "ziggy"
args = ["lsp"]
command = "ziggy"
args = ["lsp", "--schema"]
name = "ziggy"
scope = "text.ziggy"
roots = []
injection-regex = "ziggy|zgy"
file-types = ["ziggy", "zgy"]
comment-token = "//"
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "ziggy" , args = ["fmt", "--stdin"] }
language-servers = [ "ziggy-lsp" ]
name = "ziggy"
source = { path = "PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES/ziggy/tree-sitter-ziggy" }
name = "ziggy_schema"
scope = "text.ziggy_schema"
roots = []
injection-regex = "ziggy-schema|zgy-schema"
file-types = ["ziggy-schema", "zgy-schema"]
comment-token = "///"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
formatter = { command = "ziggy" , args = ["fmt", "-", "--type", "schema"] }
auto-format = true
language-servers = [ "ziggy-schema-lsp" ]
name = "ziggy_schema"
source = { path = "PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES/ziggy/tree-sitter-ziggy-schema" }
# SuperMD
name = "supermd"
scope = "source.supermd"
roots = []
file-types = ["smd"]
injection-regex = "supermd|smd"
name = "supermd"
source = { path = "PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES/supermd/tree-sitter/supermd" }
name = "supermd_inline"
scope = "source.supermd.inline"
injection-regex = "supermd_inline"
file-types = []
grammar = "supermd_inline"
name = "supermd_inline"
source = { path = "PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES/supermd/tree-sitter/supermd-inline" }
# SuperHTML
command = "superhtml"
args = ["lsp"]
name = "html"
scope = "source.html"
roots = []
file-types = ["html"]
language-servers = [ "superhtml-lsp" ]
name = "superhtml"
scope = "source.superhtml"
roots = []
file-types = ["shtml"]
injection-regex = "superhtml|shtml"
auto-format = true
language-servers = [ "superhtml-lsp" ]
name = "superhtml"
source = { path = "PATH_TO_CLONED_REPOSITORIES/superhtml/tree-sitter-superhtml" }
3. Build Tree Sitter grammars
Run hx --grammar build
, it should report that all the new grammars were built successfully.
4. Get all the CLI tools
Either build them from the cloned repositories or download prebuilt versions from GitHub, and then put them in your PATH